OXYTARM® Detox 120 Tablets (Twin Pack)

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Oxytarm is a colon cleanser for a healthier digestive system. It contains Magnesium Hydroxide, Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids. Oxytarm will not only give you a healthy colon, but a flatter tummy and also more beautiful skin.

Oxytarm is a colon cleanser for a healthier digestive system. It contains Magnesium Hydroxide, Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids. Oxytarm will not only give you a healthy colon, but a flatter tummy and also more beautiful skin.

It is important to take care of our gastrointestinal system, or the gut, as it is responsible for the process of the absorption of nutrients, and the detoxification and purification of substances of the body. The gut also plays a critical role in the body’s immunity.

A healthy gut is a prerequisite for getting beautiful hair, skin and nails.

The skin on the body and the scalp is the largest excretory organ in the body.

Therefore, a healthy gut helps to ensure a cleaner scalp, improve immunity, and reduce inflammation which are crucial for stopping hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth.

120 tablets

When starting up on Oxytarm®, you will notice the effect quite quickly.
If you take 4 tablets in the evening, most people will notice an effect the next day.
Magnesium hydroxide bound in a special crystal matrix
Potasium ascorbate
Citrus bioflavoiods for relief of constipation and maintaining a healthy digestion.
Brands Med-Eq Health Supplements
Product Quantity 2 boxes x OXYTARM®Detox (120tablets)